Saturday, 18 June 2016

Catch up time...

Been a few weeks since I last posted, so time to catch up.

15th May was event No5 - Chester Half, coming only 3 weeks after Stratford and 3 weeks before the June event.  This one I had to take steady.  Luck for me thou I ran it with a friend, so it kept me out of mischief, and finished in a very steady (and nice round number of) 2.02.02.

A week later I was back on the road, as I ran with my club, Hermitage Harriers, in a 7mile league race.  A very technical & underlating course left its mark as I finished the race, but them started to limb back to the car due to discomfort in my right ankle.  Next day, rang my physio, who managed to sneak me in who proceeded to prod and poke my ankle.  I had orders, to rest for a few days, then take it easy at Ramathon (Derby Half).

SO, on to the Ramathon, and did I listen to my physio - for all of 0.1miles.  The other 13 I ran it as I would normal.  A good steady pace, which resulted in a seasons best of 1.45.37.  More details in the race info section.

It is also sad to report, that while I was running in the final section, I saw a man who had a number of people around him, clearly attempting CPR on him.  It is sad to say that Peter Osbourne had later passed away.  A runner from Barrow Runners, a club who I see often in the Derby/Leics area.  My thoughts are with his family.

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