HESA - Hashimotos

Hashimoto's is a form of encephalopathy (auto immune condition where the body fights itself) which then damages the brain and it is one of the suspected forms of encephalitis that could have affected my wife.  It relates to the activity of the thyroid gland and the way the body can not fully control the levels.

HESA is an American website that is dedicated to promoting this form the encephalitis and a book, especially for both patients and medical staff.  Just shows the progress made in the 17yrs as there was nothing like this around when Celia was first ill, now people can have a book to read to introduce them to this form of the illness.

Understanding Hashimoto's Encephalopathy: A Guide for Patients, Families, and Caregivers - Featuring the Stories of HE Patients from Around the World book cover

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