Tuesday, 15 December 2015


Do I run?

Sport has all ways been in my blood with swimming being the my sport as a youth.  While at school, I did a bit of cross country and track - mainly because all the other decent runners were busy playing football or rugby.  As I entered the late teen and early 20s I took part in a new endurance sport called 'triathlon', a swim bike run event with events that, as I say, any Tom Dick or Harry could enter any event, and the proof was I took part in the 'World Championships' in Nice 1987.  I say 'Worlds', as at the time the ITU was only just starting as a world governing body.  So, sport and endurance were all ways in me,

The real idea of running consistently thou only started 10years ago in 2006.  What kicked started this was the sad passing away on my wife, Celia.  That weekend, our daughter was all ready away with my sister for a holiday when I got the call to contact the hospital who told me the sad news.  I spent that weekend on my own, with very little I could do. I couldn't go to the hospital to collect the required paperwork (that dept was not open on the weekends) and funeral directors didn't open either on Saturdays.  Finally on the Monday I was able to start to see people and it was on my way home from the hospital and it really dawned on me to think,'Shit, I've got a funeral to arrange.' With the thought of more time in the house going a bit stir crazy I said to myself I didn't want to be in.  As I was driving I passed one of those outlet retail parks, stopped by and went into a sports shop and came out with shoes, t shirt & socks.  Got home, and went out for a run.  It was about 3 miles (done the same route a few more times since, hence knowing the distance) and I can remember 2 things: 1) it was very hot and 2) it was shattered.  Got home and had a bath.  That whole experience of the hot weather, the fresh air follwoed by the soak just seemed so right for me, The idea of the funeral was a little less stressful, I suspect while I was out my subconscious mind was planning or mulling over ideas.  When I had to speak to various people and family, I guess I had a clearer picture of what I would like for Celia's final journey and resting place.  So that was what kicked started an impulse to buy some gear.

It had other knock on effects for me thou, as the following week I went out again for another 3 miles......and kept going,  This 'keeping' going was the key in helping me, as I had other issues within myself to deal with: stress and depression.  On my check up my doctor I explained that I had started running who was very surprised and glad as it kick started my recovery and moving off the tablets.  So much that within a year of starting running I was off the tabs completely, and as I write this, not had the need to go back to them.

I run my myself, a bit selfish one may say, but it is 'my time'.  After all, I had a daughter to bring up on my own, had a number of years of putting both her and the wife first (which was required at that time), but in the long term for sake our our daughter, I needed a bit of 'me'.  Others may go down the pub with mates, shopping, bike ride, play an instrument - but for me, it was running that releases me from those issues & pressures. And still does to this day in later 2015.

During the years I have been running I have also entered and competed in some events to promote and raise money for the Encephalitis Society.  Why them, it is simple.....encephalitis was the illness that Celia suffered from.

To understand what encephalitis is, please click here.

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